7th and 8th by river mccarthy
Recently the 7th graders have been working on finding the area and circumference of circles. In Social Studies, both 7the and 8th grade have been learning about the American revolution. Personally my favorite is E.L.A or reading, because in E.L.A we get to act things out. Next month Mr. Russell reports that we will be going to the river’s edge for work experience and cooking. He also said that we might be going on our water treatment project. As well as this friday we will be going to our first basketball game.
Till next time,
This month, February, the seventh and eighth grade class will be having our basketball game on Friday. As well as a Valentines day dance, Love is in the air guys! The seventh graders are nearly to our math test. Nervousness strikes again. River McCarthy(me) and Tate Casseretto keep on getting hiccups, wonder if we’re nervous. They will be doing a new broadcast for social studies and an earthquake brochure.
Anyways ttyl,
River M.
Recently the 7th graders have been working on finding the area and circumference of circles. In Social Studies, both 7the and 8th grade have been learning about the American revolution. Personally my favorite is E.L.A or reading, because in E.L.A we get to act things out. Next month Mr. Russell reports that we will be going to the river’s edge for work experience and cooking. He also said that we might be going on our water treatment project. As well as this friday we will be going to our first basketball game.
Till next time,
This month, February, the seventh and eighth grade class will be having our basketball game on Friday. As well as a Valentines day dance, Love is in the air guys! The seventh graders are nearly to our math test. Nervousness strikes again. River McCarthy(me) and Tate Casseretto keep on getting hiccups, wonder if we’re nervous. They will be doing a new broadcast for social studies and an earthquake brochure.
Anyways ttyl,
River M.
1st grade by Lupita Pineda and Nadia lau vargas
Ms Cusano’s class has been practicing basketball, dribbling, chest pass, and shooting these past weeks.
They're are also setting goals, trying new things and getting better and better at hard things.The first graders are trying to reach their goals right in these days.Some stuff that the first graders did in the past are yoga,dancing,running,soccer and now they trying basketball.In the future there going to do throwing and catching after that there doing kick ball.
They're are also setting goals, trying new things and getting better and better at hard things.The first graders are trying to reach their goals right in these days.Some stuff that the first graders did in the past are yoga,dancing,running,soccer and now they trying basketball.In the future there going to do throwing and catching after that there doing kick ball.
animal report BY GAVIN WESTERN
If you get bit by a Corn snake will you have a deep wound?
No, because the Corn snake teeth aren't like fangs they are like sandpaper.
Corn snakes and every other snakes are slimy! Actually corn snakes are not, because if they were slimy when they are in the sand hunting the sand could really hurt it or possibly kill it, because it could tear the scales! One thing after handling any snake make sure you wash your hands because they have something called salmonella and if it gets in your stomach you can feel sick like the flu.
No, because the Corn snake teeth aren't like fangs they are like sandpaper.
Corn snakes and every other snakes are slimy! Actually corn snakes are not, because if they were slimy when they are in the sand hunting the sand could really hurt it or possibly kill it, because it could tear the scales! One thing after handling any snake make sure you wash your hands because they have something called salmonella and if it gets in your stomach you can feel sick like the flu.
3rd and 4th grade by tristan mccarthy
Hi, it’s Tristan McCarthy reporting on social studies in the third and fourth grade. The 3rd and 4th grade went to California Indian Grinding Rock and learned about Native American history. In Science the 3rd and 4th grade will make an exploding paper-mâché volcano, it will be a blast! In social studies they are going to learn about the gold rush. They will be creating a simulation of Gold Rush times. In writing we will be writing an informational text; I think it will be really existing. Don’t waste your life, signing off Tristan.
2nd grade by jess martinez
In Mrs Fogarty’s class they are learning about erosion. They are also learning about weather and multiplication. They have no upcoming field trips. Mrs Fogarty’s got two new addition to her class. Her class is going to make art for the 100 day of school. One of her student’s dad built an erosion table.
This amazing drawing has a real light bulb moment!!
sports report by trex porter
The last game was a soccer game which was 0 to 0 our team lost in a boundary a boundary in soccer when they have five people try to make the most goals.The next game is a basketball game on Friday vs. Robert Ferry. 5th through 8th will travel to Robert Ferry. Nadia’s favorite sport is volleyball. Kyla’s favorite sport is volleyball to.Jess’s favorite sport is soccer.
Mrs McCarthy’s class has been doing soccer for P.E. They’ve also been doing math for math they are subtract and counting coins. For reading they are putting words together and also been doing patterns. Mrs McCarthy is looking forward for the kinders to having parties and learning about animals in their field trips.
What's happening in the office by kylie nay
Knights Ferry Elementary School, Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Bev Noe’ tour as temporary Administrative Assistant comes to end on February 14, 2018. Mrs. Noe’ generously stepped into Mrs. Anita Ivaschenko’s shoes when Mrs. Anita took time out for Maternity Leave. When asked about why she undertook on such a grand responsibility, Bev stated, “My mother was an alumni of Knights Ferry Elementary many years ago. Since my mother continued to live in the area, it was only natural for me to follow in my mother’s footsteps and also graduate from this amazing school. After I graduated from college and received my degree in Business Administration, I was given the opportunity of working for Knights Ferry Elementary for 35 years as Administrative Assistant and I was given yet another opportunity, when I trained Anita as the schools’ new Administrative Assistant.”
Mrs. Bev Noe has 3 wonderful grandchildren: Makena, Abrie and Taylor. Some of Bev’s favorite things are: the color blue, dogs, Chinese food and a delicious juicy steak. One of Bev’s wishes is for snow to cover the mountains, so the 5th through 8th graders can go and enjoy their skiing trip. We are very grateful for Mrs. Bev Noe’ hard work and appreciate her very much. We also wish her good fortune in all of her endeavors.
Mrs. Bev Noe has 3 wonderful grandchildren: Makena, Abrie and Taylor. Some of Bev’s favorite things are: the color blue, dogs, Chinese food and a delicious juicy steak. One of Bev’s wishes is for snow to cover the mountains, so the 5th through 8th graders can go and enjoy their skiing trip. We are very grateful for Mrs. Bev Noe’ hard work and appreciate her very much. We also wish her good fortune in all of her endeavors.
Math: In 5th Grade math we are learning about multiplication and division of fractions and decimals.
In 6th Grade math we are learning about Expressions and Equations.
E.L.A.: In 5th Grade ELA our question for the month is how do we decide what is important?
In 6th Grade ELA our monthly question is how do people meet challenges and solve problems.
Science: In 5th& 6th grade we are learning about ancient Egypt. We have been exploring the vegetaton
Maps. S.S.: We haven’t started our social studies curriculum yet, but we are sure looking forward to gettng
to it.
In 6th Grade math we are learning about Expressions and Equations.
E.L.A.: In 5th Grade ELA our question for the month is how do we decide what is important?
In 6th Grade ELA our monthly question is how do people meet challenges and solve problems.
Science: In 5th& 6th grade we are learning about ancient Egypt. We have been exploring the vegetaton
Maps. S.S.: We haven’t started our social studies curriculum yet, but we are sure looking forward to gettng
to it.
Winter program magic
So many amazing experiences at Knights Ferry School!!